modularizing chuck files

Nikolaus Gradwohl2009-01-17T13:11:00+00:00

I wrote a simple chuck script that generates a drum loop and a bass-sequence. later i wanted to reuse the sounds and started to search how to modularize the code.

so i started to convert my instrument declarations in classes. The instrument classes don't get connected to 'dac' directly. They have a "connect"-method that can be used by the main script.

to run the loop all the scripts must be given on the commandline


The main script ( instanciates a DrumSet and a Bass class and connects them to "dac". Than it generates a walking bass and a simple electronic drum loop.

DrumSet drm;
drm.connect( dac );

Bass bass;
bass.connect( dac );

[ 41, 41, 44, 46] @=> int bline[];
0 => int pos;
0 => int count;

while ( true ) {
    if ( count % 2 == 0 ) {; }
    if ( count % 4 == 2 ) {; }

    if ( count % 2 == 0 ) { spork ~ bass.bass( bline[ pos % 4 ]); }
    if ( count % 2 == 1 ) { spork ~ bass.bass( 12 + bline[ pos % 4 ]); }

    1 + count => count;
    if ( count % 4 == 0 ) { 1 + pos => pos; }
    250::ms => now;

In a simple saw-wave based electronic bass is declared. The notes are triggerd by the "bass"-method. The notes are all played the same length. Therefore this method must be called in a thread otherwise the main loop would wait for the notes to end.

spork ~ bass.bass( 40 )

playes the bass on midinote 40

public class Bass {
    // BASS
    SawOsc sb => LPF filt => ADSR a => Gain g2;
    440 => filt.freq;
    0.3 => filt.Q;
    0.0 => g2.gain;
    (10::ms, 45::ms, 0.5, 40::ms) => a.set; // Set ADSR envelope

    public void connect( UGen u ) {
        g2 => u;

    public void bass( int tone ) {
        Std.mtof( tone ) =>  sb.freq;
        0.3 => g2.gain;
        1 => a.keyOn;
        125::ms => now;
        1=> a.keyOff;

In three instruments get declared (a basedrum, a snare and a hihat) and each gets a method that can be used to trigger the sounds.

public class DrumSet {
    // define hihat
    Shakers hhs => JCRev r;
    .025 => r.mix;
    Std.mtof( 76 ) => hhs.freq;

    // Define Bassdrum
    SinOsc s => ADSR bda;
    80 => s.freq;
    (0::ms, 10::ms, 0.0, 0::ms ) => bda.set;

    // define snare drum
    Noise n => ADSR sna => Gain g => dac;
    0.3 => g.gain;
    (0::ms, 25::ms, 0.0, 0::ms) => sna.set;

    public void connect( UGen ugen ) {
        r => ugen;
        bda => ugen;
        g => ugen;

    public void hh() {
        1 => hhs.noteOn;

    public void bd() {
        1 => bda.keyOn;

    public void sn() {
        1 => sna.keyOn;
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See also:

music live-coding environments - my first impressions
volca ardour3 jam
how to create launchpad light effects with chuck
osc sequencer in ruby
Chuck iControl Projectpage



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  1. XRF 2009-12-23T07:22:42+00:00

    Hi, Very good post article is very informative...thanks for sharing with us....

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