Nagios-Frontend in SL-viewer

Nikolaus Gradwohl2009-01-25T15:53:00+00:00

i wanted to test the region modules in OpenSimulator - a opensource server implementing the SecondLife protocol.

Because I didn't want to write another "hello world"-region module, i took my nagios-server as a datasource for my module.

now i can see the status of all the services my nagios is monitoring using a SL-Viewer :-)

the code is based on the demo-region from the opensim team and can be downloaded here.

nagios region 1

nagios region 2

nagios region 3

UPDATE: I compiled a binary version of the dll which can downloaded here

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See also:

cocoa osc app
Nagios Glitzerlampe



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  1. 2009-03-07T00:13:40+00:00

    Hello, the code you made available for Nagios to opensim sounds most amazing and id very much like to work with this and write as I was hoping I could ask some questions. Can we open up a line of communication?

  2. Ramkesh 2012-02-17T06:18:03+00:00

    Hmm, sgalntery, I managed to get it working again lol ? please disregard my previous message about that! It seems that a quick recompile with some extra debug messages and no code changes fixed the authentication one wonders what the Mono compiler was up to :)HyperGrid is a bit shaky, though

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