Animator Library - 2nd Alpha version

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-11-13T15:47:31+00:00

I gave some more code and love to my animator-library for processing and I think it has improved enough to release a new version

Animators can now be added to a Sequence

Sequence s = new Sequence();
s.addAnimator( new LinearAnimator( 500,100,200 ));
s.addAnimator( new SquareAnimator( 200, 200, 100 ));

the sequence can be started using s.start() and the value is fetched using s.get()

A simpler form of defining sequences is to use the string-parser

the same Sequence as above can be defined using

Sequence s = Sequence.parse( "S100,L500->200,Q200->100");

The animators are separated with a comma, each block starts with a letter and one or two parameter

  • "S" is the start value
  • "L" defines a LinearAnimator the first integer defines the time the second one the target value
  • "Q" defines a SquareAnimator the first integer defines the time the second one the target value
  • "R" defines a RootAnimator the first integer defines the time the second one the target value
  • "D" defines a Delay in milliseconds

I also added a bunch of new Examples that show how to use the new features

As always feedback is very welcome!

Simple Example Sequence Example Parser Example Clock Example

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See also:

Project-Page for Animator-library
Processing TTSlib version 0.4 released
Processing TTSlib version 0.3 released
sketch experiment 7 - osc events
nested cubes in processing



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