film-noir like processing sketch

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-08-13T12:23:15+00:00

I made a processing sketch today featuring a gowing steak. Because this August rather feels like authum this year (at least in Austria) it got a bit dark and rainy

The rain is reused from this sketch

Click here to give it a try

dark, rainy, growing steak

Supa-Power Wolf Equipment

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-08-12T10:28:38+00:00

Today I tested my grandfathers power drill from Wolf Equipment. He has bought it between 1950 and 1960. It needs a little bit of oil and a bit of cleaning, but otherwise it works perfekt.

I also got the equipment to turn it into a drill press :-)

printable stitchmarks for knitting

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-08-07T21:52:50+00:00

I needed a stitchmark for knitting my arigurumi and as a makerbot-operator I don't go and buy small plastick stuff - I print it :-)

And so I designed a stitchmark myself. Here is the openscad or the stl version, if you want to print one yourself

stitchmark for knitting

Jumping dots in processing

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-08-06T12:00:47+00:00

Another small processing sketch - this time featuring jumping dots.

Click here to give it a try

click on the dots to make them jump again

jumping dots

Abstract Art Generator 4

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-08-05T07:01:44+00:00

I made another one of my abstract art generators - this time featuring random colored, transparent blobs

Click here to give it a try

Abstract Art Generator 4


Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-07-27T03:34:35+00:00

These are some flowers I photographed in my hollidays

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Lightbox-Effekt for Processing-Sketches

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-07-08T07:30:35+00:00

In my Processing Sketch gallery I wanted to run processing sketches inline using a lightbox effekt. With the help of jquery and some ajax-blackmagic I generated a script that loads the index.html of the processing export and runs the applet in a lightbox.

If javascript is enabled the original index.html is opened.

to integrate it in a page simply include jquery, the processing.js script and processing.css in a html page. The script also need the deployJava.js from that is also used in the index.html files of an processing applet-export.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="processing.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="processing.css"/>

Then simply link the processing sketch and mark the link with class="processing"

<a class="processing" href="http://yourserver/processing/sketchfolder/">My processing sketch</a>

To see it running click on this Example Link

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Processing sketch gallery

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-07-07T10:14:13+00:00

I finished my processing sketch gallery containing my best processing sketches

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Monster, Monster, Monster

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-07-07T05:00:00+00:00

tnx to Uschi, Florian, Fake, Elsa and Cheri for all the new monsters

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GuruBlog shiny and new

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-07-06T19:41:00+00:00

I just finished upgrading my blog to the current version of typo. This time it wasn't as easy as the last time, because of some database update problems and because mongrel doesn't like rails3 apps. But finally everything is up and running - or at least I haven't found out whats broken yet :-)

I also changed the design a bit - I hope you like it

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