how to remove the blender default-cube with style - part 5 - explode

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-07-17T17:40:39+00:00

When starting a blender scene almost everybody removes the default cube. This is kind of sad and therefore I started thinking about who to remove it with style.

for this part I made the default cube explode using a particle-system and an explode modifier

you can download the blend file here


how to remove the blender default-cube with style - part 4 - eat it

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-07-05T06:27:04+00:00

When starting a blender scene almost everybody removes the default cube. This is kind of sad and therefore I started thinking about who to remove it with style.

for this part I made a pacman eat the defaultcube. The pacman was generated using a boolean modifier and a animated cube that has been rotated by 45° on the x axis and is scaled up and down on the z axis

you can download the blend file here

eat it

dublivert experiment

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-07-01T09:31:26+00:00

I played a bit with dubliverts using cycles. It took me some time to find out how to hide the original object, because in cycles it doesn't disappear by default. It doesn't help to move the object to another layer or to hide it because this would also affect the child objects.

I finally found that the object gets hidden if you assign it empty dubliverts, because these don't get assigned to the child objects

you can download the blend file here


how to remove the blender default-cube with style - part 3 - puff of smoke

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-06-29T07:40:11+00:00

When starting a blender scene almost everybody removes the default cube. This is kind of sad and therefore I started thinking about who to remove it with style.

for this part i made the default cube disappear in a puff of smoke

more to come ...

this is my day 29 project for 30DaysOfCreativity

you can download the blend file here

puff of smoke

how to remove the blender default-cube with style - part 2 - burn it

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-06-26T05:48:46+00:00

When starting a blender scene almost everybody removes the default cube. This is kind of sad and therefore I started thinking about who to remove it with style.

in this part I removed the default cube using an animated cycles material to make it burn

more to come ...

this is my day 26 project for 30DaysOfCreativity

you can download the blend file here

cube burning

how to remove the blender default-cube ... with style (part1)

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-06-24T08:24:23+00:00

When starting a blender scene almost everybody removes the default cube. This is kind of sad and therefore I started thinking about who to remove it with style.

for this part I dissolved the default-cube into lots of smaller cubes and made them slowly fade into non-existence

more to come ...

this is my day 24 project for 30DaysOfCreativity

you can download the blend file here

cube dissolving

blender curve experiments - extrude and bevel

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-06-19T05:57:49+00:00

for this part of my blender curve experiments I animated the extrude and bevel parameter in combination with a solidify modifier

this is my day 19 project for 30daysofcreativity

you can download the blend file here

extrude and bevel

cube destruction

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-06-18T06:05:19+00:00

I used a bunch of cubes and a forcefield to make a nice slow-mo destruction animation

this is my day 18 project for 30daysofcreativity

you can download the blend file here

cube destruction

3D printed elephant

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-06-17T08:41:21+00:00

I made a little elephant in blender and printed it on my makerbot

this is my day 17 project for 30daysofcreativity

you can download the blend file here or you can download the stl file here


cycles uvmaterial

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-06-16T08:39:27+00:00

I used the uv-coordinates of a icosphere as a texture in a cycles material and animated various mesh-modifier this is my day 16 project for 30daysofcreativity

you can download the blend file here
