Processing Advent Calendar - Door 5

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-12-05T14:04:00+00:00

I started a little Advent Calendar containing Processing sketches.

This is the sketch for Door 5. Press a key to drop more packets. The sketch uses the great jbox2d physics engine and the processing library wrapper

Door 5

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Processing Advent Calendar - Door 4

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-12-04T09:08:53+00:00

I started a little Advent Calendar containing Processing sketches.

This is the sketch for Door 4. Use the mouse to move the candle around in front of the sphere.

Door 4

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Processing Advent Calendar - Door 3

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-12-03T06:15:55+00:00

I started a little Advent Calendar containing Processing sketches.

This is the sketch for Door 3

Door 3

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Processing Advent Calendar - Door 2

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-12-02T06:40:35+00:00

I started a little Advent Calendar containing Processing sketches.

This is the sketch for Door 2 - a tree with blinking lights

Door 2

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Processing Advent Calendar - Door 1

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-12-01T19:46:33+00:00

I started a little Advent Calendar containing Processing sketches.

This is the sketch for Door 1

Door 1

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CookieCutter-Editor v2.0

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-11-26T02:02:00+00:00

I made a new version of my cookiecutter-editor.

Designs can be saved now and the node-count can be adjusted to your needs. I also exported a linux, a Macos X and a Windows version of the processing sketch.

Projektpage and Download Links

Go to the Projekt page and download the editor - because NOW is the right time of the year to desing your CookieCutters!

star star

tree tree

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Eye drawn using straight lines

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-10-10T18:10:19+00:00

I made another simple processing sketch that draws an eye using two parabolic curves and a circle using straight lines

click here to see the code and run the applet


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How to follow a bezier-path in Processing

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-09-26T16:56:18+00:00

Processing has various commands to draw curves like curve, bezier, bezierVertex and so on, but it also has commands that allow you to follow these paths. I wrote a simple sketch that shows how to animate a small ellipse that follows a bezier-path using bezierPoint

click here to see it in action or download the code

bezier follow

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Pulsating Heart made from Bezier-Curves in processing

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-09-19T08:09:02+00:00

I made a short processing sketch that shows how to use the bezierVertex command. It can be used to draw a curve between a start- and an endpoint, using two control points (similar to the curve elements vector graphic programms use).

The following code block draws a heart in processing.

bezierVertex( 150,120, 100,120, 100, 150);
bezierVertex( 100,180, 150,185, 150, 210 );
bezierVertex( 150,185, 200,180, 200, 150 );  
bezierVertex( 200,120, 150,120, 150, 150 );  

click here to see the heart pulsing and the background rotating or download the code.

heart from bezier-curves

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floating particles in processing

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-09-09T05:46:08+00:00

This is a small processing sketch that simulates a macro shot of some small, glowing particles floating in water. I used 4 layers of particles and called blur between them to generate the macro focus effect.

click here to see them in action

flaoting particles

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