ice cubes wallpaper

Nikolaus Gradwohl2013-10-02T04:07:40+00:00

I rendered a new wallpaper for my Desktop using blender. I used a location input on a cycles mixshader to blend between a blue diffuse and an emmision shader to make the cubes glow

you can download the blend file here and hires version of the rendered image here

cubes wallpaper

cube town wallpaper

Nikolaus Gradwohl2013-01-14T03:07:55+00:00

The wallpaper I used on my desktop started to get a bit boring, so I created a new one using blender. The main light-source of the render is Ambient Occlusion and a small point light near the horizon.

you can download the blend-file here or a hires version of the image here

cube town

wallpaper for my mobilephone

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-09-14T06:13:21+00:00

I recently got a new phone and needed a wallpaper for it. So I fired up blender and made one. Its based on the wallpaper I made for my computers a while ago, but this time I also added a tree using the sapling addon

you can dowload the blend file here

or you can download a hires version of the wallpaper here

tree wallpaper