processing symetrie explorer

Nikolaus Gradwohl2019-03-06T03:13:22+00:00

I created a little processing sketch that draws a filled curve at some random vertices, and then mirrors it and draws it a second time. I like how simple evolving shapes that are drawn twice mirrored along an vertical axis immediately look very organic. So watch the shapes evolve slowly and have fun finding flowers, faces, insects, ...

click here to start the sketch or download the sourcecode.


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blender 2.80 experiment 10 - animation nodes

Nikolaus Gradwohl2019-03-04T03:30:27+00:00

For this blender 2.80 experiment, i compiled a new version of the animation nodes addon and made a icosphere explode :-)

The render was created with eevee and freestyle

you can download the blend file here

blender 2.80 animation nodes

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blender 2.80 experiment 9 - freestyle

Nikolaus Gradwohl2019-02-22T06:36:32+00:00

for this blender 2.80 experiment I combined the eevee render with freestyle to create a comics look.

Its a really simple animation using a default cube with two keyframed array modifiers and a camera zoom, but I really like the zoom part at the end. Maybe I'll use this in a music video.

you can download the blend file here

eevee freestyle

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new Track - random Point in the Infinite

Nikolaus Gradwohl2019-02-20T05:36:18+00:00

a new synth track exploring the infinte phase space of sonic possibilities

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blender 2.80 experiment 8 - texture displacement

Nikolaus Gradwohl2019-02-19T03:48:22+00:00

For this blender 2.80 experiment i created a displacement texture for a cycles material by adding two textures at different scales

you can download the blend file here

texture displacement

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processing sound visualizer explained

Nikolaus Gradwohl2019-01-22T05:07:16+00:00

I have been asked to share the code of the sound visualizer I wrote in processing about a year ago, so I decided to write a blogpost explaining what I did

The program has two main parts - the autocorrelation function that creates the wiggly line and a glsl filter for the lens-distortion effect.

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SynthJam 01 2019

Nikolaus Gradwohl2019-01-20T10:21:36+00:00

Yesterday it came to my mind, that in the last few weeks I've spent more time working on my music equipment than actually making music - I created a new stand for my Mother32 and my DFAM, I made a midi to trigger signal box based on an arduino, I wrote a controller script for my KMI SoftTouch2 so I can controll bitwig with my feed while jamming - all very important tasks that will help me focus on making music - but currently it feels like all those task are eating my time for making music.

So I recorded a quick synth jam using the repro1 plugin from uhe and the mother32 in Bitwig Studio. I also added some drums from the Volca Beat, the volca sample and the DFAM.

So - without further ado - here is my first syth jam of 2019

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blender 2.80 experiment 7 - keyframes

Nikolaus Gradwohl2019-01-14T05:20:22+00:00

This blender experiment is based on the curve generation python script from my erlier post - Ths time I added keyframes to the locations of the bezier curve vertices and their handles.

Keyframing a curve vertex from a python script is pretty simple. All that is required is calling the keyframe_insert method on the point object and specifing the path to the attribute that should be keyframed.

For example

b.bezier_points[i].co = (1,1,1)

inserts a new keyframe for the position of a curve vertex at the current frame of the scene.

to change the frame i used


you can download the blend file here

keyframed curve vertices

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blender 2.80 experiment 6 - fresnell

Nikolaus Gradwohl2018-12-17T05:40:32+00:00

for this blender experiment I started to experiment with node based materials for eevee. I used a fresnell input node to blend between two diffuse shaders. The mesh is a subdivided cube with a displacement texture.

you can download the blend file here

blender eevee experiment

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blender 2.80 experiment 5 - scripted curve

Nikolaus Gradwohl2018-12-12T05:30:07+00:00

For this blender 2.80 experiment I created four bezier curves using the blender python api. There have been some changes in the api, but porting existing python scripts to 2.80 is pretty easy - the main changes required for older code to run is how the objects get added to the scenes, because of the new collections in blender 2.80

you can download the blend file here

scripted curves

to run a python script open a texteditor and run a script with ALT-p

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