Printable Lighning

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-02-12T09:50:00+00:00

I made a lightning bolt to test the openscad polygon and linear_extrude functions.
To define a polygon you have to define a set of 2D-coordinates and some sets that define the paths. In this example only one path is defined that connects all the points. Then I extruded the polygon to make it 3D and centered it using translate, to make it printable.

translate(v=[0,-45,1]) {
    linear_extrude( height=2, center=true)
    polygon( points = [[-5,0], [15,40], [5, 55], [20, 75], [0, 90], [-15, 55 ], [2, 36]],

you can download the openscad source or the stl file


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