Ronin experiment 14 - neon ellipses

Nikolaus Gradwohl2019-07-30T07:38:46+00:00

For this animation I used the new ellipse command in ronin and created some retro style neon vector line art

The neon line was created by drawing the shape twice first with a higher line width and a low opacity then again with a linewidth of 1 and full opacity to add the glow around the line

neon ellipses

this is the code I used for this animation

(on "animate" '(
(range -60 60 10)
(def ofs (mul 60 (sin (time 0.001))))
(def r1 (add (add 120 ofs)  %1))
(def r2 (sub (sub 120 ofs)  %1))
    (ellipse 250 250 r1 r2)
  (rgba (mul r2 2) (mul r1 2) 200 0.1) 10)
(rgba (mul r2 2) (mul r1 2) 200 1) 1)
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See also:

Ronin experiment 21 - morphing lissajous states
ronin experiment 20 - transform flower
ronin experiment 19 - Sonic Pi visualizer
Ronin experiment 18 - Rainbow
Ronin experiment 17 - boids



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