Resistor Earrings

Nikolaus Gradwohl2009-12-04T17:47:00+00:00

today i made some earrings for my wife. 300 kOhm per ear :-)


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multiple lines in processing

Nikolaus Gradwohl2009-11-12T04:57:00+00:00

I wrote a processing-sketch to test how to connect to points using multiple curves that are slightliy shifted by random values. Looks really good in datavisualisation apps.

click here to run the applet and see the code.


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New pencil drawings

Nikolaus Gradwohl2009-09-06T09:28:00+00:00

i just added 8 new pencil drawings to my drawings gallery

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My name is

Nikolaus Gradwohl2009-09-02T16:44:00+00:00

Varvara Guljajeva is using my processing tts library for her lates project My name is

My name is - is a metaphorical visualization of nowadays-human beings. In my point of view we are not bounded to one body anymore. We are extended through networks to infinity. The location does not matter, what matters is connection. Thus, at this point I totally agree with Mitchell “disconnection would be amputation. I link therefore, I am.” We are becoming gradually fully equipped and totally dependent on technology cyberorgs.

The installation consists of 4 dolls in each a speaker inside, 4 relays, arduino, a computer, and a modem. We are using Processing, TTS (text to speech), and Arduino. The independent and at the same time isolated network is created. IP addresses are continuously renewed and sent to a random doll. Thus only one doll is speaking at a time (4 speakers are controlled by 4 relays through arduino).

the installation looks really cool - a bit creepy what she did to the dolls :-)

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New pencil drawings

Nikolaus Gradwohl2009-06-25T13:16:00+00:00

i just added 6 new pencil drawings to my drawings gallery

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another art generator in processing

Nikolaus Gradwohl2009-04-26T08:14:00+00:00

a while ago i made an abstract art generator in processing. Now i made another one, drawing lines

click here to generate some images.

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pencil drawings

Nikolaus Gradwohl2009-04-19T19:03:00+00:00

I also made another gallery showing some pencil drawings i made.

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abstract art generator

Nikolaus Gradwohl2009-02-06T18:29:00+00:00

my latest processing-sketch is a generator for abstract art.

just click on the applet to generate a new image

abstract art generator

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login screen background

Nikolaus Gradwohl2009-01-26T05:25:00+00:00

i just cleand up my harddisk a bit and found a background image i made a while ago for the login screen on my laptop

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Surealistic Unix-commands

Nikolaus Gradwohl2008-10-27T19:13:00+00:00

echo "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" | less

if you don't know why this is funny you either have no unix experience or you don't know René Magritte :-)

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