blender curve experiments - boat

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-04-18T06:13:49+00:00

for this part of my blender curve experiments I modeled a boat using a beziercurve, a bevel and a taper object

you can download the blend file here

a boat

blender curve experiments - bend

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-04-17T05:49:56+00:00

for this part of my blender curve experiments I made plenty of curves using an array modifier and used a shape key to move them

you can download the blend file here

curve bend

blender curve experiments - twist and bevel

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-04-15T10:02:05+00:00

I desided to start a new series of blender experiments. This time I want to explore the possibilies of curve objects.

For this part of my blender curve experiments I tried to twist a beveled curve-object and change the bevel object using shape keys

you can download the blend file here

curve twist and bevel