blender 2.80 experiment 7 - keyframes
This blender experiment is based on the curve generation python script from my erlier post - Ths time I added keyframes to the locations of the bezier curve vertices and their handles.
Keyframing a curve vertex from a python script is pretty simple. All that is required is calling the keyframe_insert method on the point object and specifing the path to the attribute that should be keyframed.
For example
b.bezier_points[i].co = (1,1,1)
inserts a new keyframe for the position of a curve vertex at the current frame of the scene.
to change the frame i used
you can download the blend file here
read more ...blender 2.80 experiment 5 - scripted curve
For this blender 2.80 experiment I created four bezier curves using the blender python api. There have been some changes in the api, but porting existing python scripts to 2.80 is pretty easy - the main changes required for older code to run is how the objects get added to the scenes, because of the new collections in blender 2.80
you can download the blend file here
to run a python script open a texteditor and run a script with ALT-p
read more ...animation nodes knot
I haven't used the animation nodes addon in a while - so I dug it up and created a new animation with it. It took me a while to get it running on my box due to python installation absurdities but I finally got an 1.6 up and running in my blender 2.78 installation. For this animation I used an empty list of vectors and filled it with random vectors generated by a vector-wiggle-node. I then used these vectors to create curves. Since I wanted to create a knot I used a second loop that creates several of these splines and adds them into a spline list. This spline-list is then added to a new object and rendered.
you can download the blend file here
read more ...Animation Node experiment - closed curve
For this animation I used a pyhton script node to generated 3D coordinates for a closed curve you can download the blend file here
read more ...Animation Node experiment - curve cluster
For this animation I used the "Network From Particles"-Template of the Animation-Node-Addon to add splines between clusters of particles
you can download the blend file here
read more ...Animation Node experiment - script node spiral
For this animation I used the python script node of the Animation-Node-Addon to create a list of coordinates for a bezier-curve.
you can download the blend file here
read more ...double helix
for this animation I played with a curve- and a simple-deform-modifier
you can download the blend file here
dancing curve
For this animation I used a volumentric material to simulate dust in the light cone of a spotlight
you can download the blend file here
curve light texture
I used a uv mapped curve with a ring texture in cycles to create this animated light-stripes
you can download the blend file here
cubesurfer experiment 5 - spiral
For this experiment with the cubesurfer-addon by pyroevil, I made a particle emitter follow a curve path and used particles that don't react to gravity
you can download the blend file here