eevee fluid simulation particles
I started playing with the new Fluid simulator in blender and rendered only the particle systems using eevee.
you can download the blend file here
read more ...blackfluid
For this animation I used some fluid particles and created a surface using the cubesurfer addon for blender
you can download the blend file here
read more ...flow field fluid
For this animation I created a particle simulation with fluid particles emitted from an icosphere. The particles are emitted along the y-axis and hit a forcefield, with the flow parameter set to 0.1. I used the cubesurfer addon by pytoevil to create a mesh from the particles.
you can download the blend file here
read more ...vortex fluid
for this animation I used fluid particles in a grid that get moved by a vortext-field
you can download the blend file here
labyrinth fluid
The fluid is created using a particle system and the cubesurfer addon. The labyrinth was generated using the labyrinth addon I'm currently working on
Sorry - no blend file to download this time, I forgot to save before hitting render and quit blender without thinking when the render was done :-(
But it's not very hard to recreate using the labyrinth addon, which I plan to release tomorrow, so stay tuned
cubesurfer experiment 6 - inclined plane
for this cubesurfer addon experiment I made some fluid particles run down an inclined plane with high friction
you can download the blend file here
cubesurfer experiment 3
This is my 3rd experiment with the cubesurfer addon by pyroevil. This animation uses a fluid particle set and the molecular addon (also by pyroevil)
you can download the blend file here
fluid intertwined pipe
I used a mesh from an extruded curve and a boolean modifier to create a glass cube with a intertwined pipe and filled it using the fluid simulator
you can download the blend file here
smooth fluid
For this animation I used a fluid simulation without gravity and a spherical obstacle. Then I used a smooth modifier to get rid of all the wired artifacts of the fluid sim
you can download the blend file here
metaball fluid
For this animation I used a paticleset using fluid particles and metaballs as particle objects
you can download the blend file here