generative sine displacement texture in blender
the texture in this animation was created in the shader editor by calculating the color value based on uv coordinates using math nodes
you can download the blend file here
read more ...blender 2.80 experiment 8 - texture displacement
For this blender 2.80 experiment i created a displacement texture for a cycles material by adding two textures at different scales
you can download the blend file here
read more ...particle density volumetric material
I made a volumetric material in cycles based on particle density. The particle set I used is influenced by a turbulence force field. I used a small ico-sphere as a particle object and added an emission shader. I noticed a pretty noticable offset between the particles and the volume material that changes over time - I'm not sure yet where that offset comes from, but I think it still looks pretty.
you can download the blend file here
read more ...hard edge displacement
For this animation I used a displacement texture in a cycles material that has hard edges and a subdivision modifier set to adaptive mode. I used a voronoi texture in cell mode and also transformed the texture coordinates using a curve.
you can download the blend file here
read more ...animated displacement texture
For this video I animated various displacement texture parameters of a cycles material
you can download the blend file here
read more ...displacement texture bifurcation
I played with animating the texture used in a displacement-node in a cycles render. In this animation I animated the turbulence factor of a Marble texture
you can download the blend file here
read more ...keyed particles
I made a particle system that wanders through different stages of beeing influenced by forcefields. I used 3 different particle system each influenced by a different type of forcefield and a keyed particle system to blend between them
you can download the blend file here
Texture forcefield experiment 10 - smoke curl
For this Texture Forcefield experiment I used a texture field in curl mode to influence some smoke
you can download the blend file here
Texture forcefield experiment 9 - voronoi field smoke
For this Texture Forcefield Experiment I used an Voronoi texture in a forcefield to influence the smoke from a smoke simulation. I rendered the scene using blender 2.77 testbuild 2 to give the new cycles GPU smoke rendering a try. To my surprise rendering smoke on the GPU hat far less noise than rendering it with the CPU using the same settings. Maybe thats just because its a testbuild.
you can download the blend file here
Texture forcefield experiment 7 - hair particles
For this Texture Forcefield Experiment I used a moving voronoi texture to influence some hair particles
you can download the blend file here