AN experiment - delayed instanciation
For this animation I distributed instances of a box on instances of a bezier circle and delayed their appearance by animating their scale
you can download the blend file here
read more ...Where Opposites Meet
I made a video for a song I recorded in november using the technique I showed In my blog post on quaternoid rotations
read more ...Animation Node experiment - circular sound visualizer
For this animation I used an "Evaluate Sound"-Node to animate boxes placed on a circle
you can download the blend file here
read more ...Animation Node experiment - boxed surface
For this animation I combined the particle cluster nodes with a iso-surface from the cubesurfer addon
you can download the blend file here
read more ...Animation Node experiment - polar coordinates
For this experiment I specified the target coordinates of some cubes by polar coordinates
you can download the blend file here
read more ...Animation Node experiment - closed curve
For this animation I used a pyhton script node to generated 3D coordinates for a closed curve you can download the blend file here
read more ...Animation Node experiment - cube grid
For this animation I created a 9x9x9 grid of cubes and animated the position of the cubes using the Animation-Nodes-Addon you can download the blend file here
read more ...Animation Node experiment - curve cluster
For this animation I used the "Network From Particles"-Template of the Animation-Node-Addon to add splines between clusters of particles
you can download the blend file here
read more ...Animation Node experiment - script node spiral
For this animation I used the python script node of the Animation-Node-Addon to create a list of coordinates for a bezier-curve.
you can download the blend file here
read more ...Animation Node experiment - transformation
for this animation I used two cellfractured objects and transformed one into the other
you can download the blend file here
For this animation I used two animation node trees. The first one animates the shards of the cube, the second one is responsible for the sphere shards. The nodes networks might look a bit complicated but the principle behind it is simple. The cube shards get translated outward, are rotated by a random amount and then scaled to zero. At the same time the shards of the sphere make the same movements in reverse.
to achieve the washed out look I rendered the freestyle lines on a separate renderlayer - blurred the image in the compositor and then used an alpha-over node to add the lines.