
Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-07-05T06:14:32+00:00

I used the cubesurfer and the molecular addon by pyroevil on a fluid particle system to turn it into something pink and slimy. To create the punk material i used subsurface scattering for the slime material.

you can download the blend file here


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Boid Particle experiment 2 - Surface

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-03-31T06:50:18+00:00

For this experiment I used the cubemesh surfacer on a boid particle system

you can download the blend file here

boid particle surface

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Animation Node experiment - boxed surface

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-11-26T06:48:06+00:00

For this animation I combined the particle cluster nodes with a iso-surface from the cubesurfer addon

you can download the blend file here

boxed fluid

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fluid bubbles

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-10-08T06:29:11+00:00

for this animation I used 2 particle systems. A newton system for the smaller bubbles and fluid system with an iso-surface for the large bubbles

you can download the blend file here

fluid bubbles