grease pencil experiment 6 - grid
for this animation I created a 3D grid of lines of grease pencil strokes with a python script
you can download the blend file here
read more ...grease pencil experiment 4 - filled shapes
For this animation i created two shapes with different materials, that have stroke and fill colors activated
you can download the blend file here
read more ...grease pencil experiment 4 - depth of field
While experimenting with grease pencil animation scripted in python, i recognized that the grease pencil shapes also affect the depth map - so they can be used to change the DoF using the defocus node in the compositor. I was really pleasantly surprised - this opens a whole lot of new possibilities :-)
you can download the blend file here
read more ...grease pencil experiment 3 - animated circles
for this animation I animated the drawing of the circular grease pencil strokes themselves
you can download the blend file here
read more ...grease pencil experiment 2 - freestyle
for this animation i used a python scripted grease pencil animation similar to that in my blogpost from yesterday and added a proper blender 3D Object. I rendered the animation with eevee and freestyle
you can download the blend file here
read more ...blender freestyle sketchy line howto
I was asked for a short description on how I achieved the sketchy look of the freestyle lines in my post from yesterday
so here it is:
I activated freestyle line renderings in the Render settings
in the View Layer section I set the LineStyle Strokes from Plain to Sketchy
and added a Spatial Noise Modifier in the Geometry Part of the LineStyle-Section
to make it less aggressive I reduced the Amplitude to 1
this turned the lines from this:
into this:
read more ...blender eevee with sketchy freestyle lines
For this animation I used a freestyle lineset with a noise modifier to emulate a hand-drawn look
I like how it turned out, but I think I will have to make it less subtle the next time, especially when the finale video is running with 600px width like here :-/
you can download the blend file here
read more ...tree animation with blender eevee and freestyle
For this animation i played with the sapling addon and the eevee render in freestylemode using blender 2.80 beta
I created a tree and a separate foliage object and assigned it a material with an emmission shader to make sure it is evenly lit and creates a uniform color in the final render. Then I animated the camera location and the focal point to create the slider movement and the follow focus event and added a defocus blur in the compositor.
you can download the blend file here
I really like the cinematic feel of this small animation - if I find the time (hahaha) I work on this a little more and turn it into a music video
read more ...blender 2.80 experiment 9 - freestyle
for this blender 2.80 experiment I combined the eevee render with freestyle to create a comics look.
Its a really simple animation using a default cube with two keyframed array modifiers and a camera zoom, but I really like the zoom part at the end. Maybe I'll use this in a music video.
you can download the blend file here
read more ...AN experiment - instances
For this animation I used the animation nodes "distribute instances on spline"-Template and animated the instances using a math node and wiggle node. I rendered the animation using cycles and freestyle.
you can download the blend file here
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