Texture cuts
I animated the turbulence and scale factors of a texture in blender and used it as a displacement map in cycles
you can download the blend file here
read more ...trapped light
For this animation I placed a lightsource inside a transparent object with an animated displacement texture. The lightsource is a simple sphere with a emmission shader.
you can download the blend file here
read more ...particle density volumetric material
I made a volumetric material in cycles based on particle density. The particle set I used is influenced by a turbulence force field. I used a small ico-sphere as a particle object and added an emission shader. I noticed a pretty noticable offset between the particles and the volume material that changes over time - I'm not sure yet where that offset comes from, but I think it still looks pretty.
you can download the blend file here
read more ...hard edge displacement
For this animation I used a displacement texture in a cycles material that has hard edges and a subdivision modifier set to adaptive mode. I used a voronoi texture in cell mode and also transformed the texture coordinates using a curve.
you can download the blend file here
read more ...animated displacement texture
For this video I animated various displacement texture parameters of a cycles material
you can download the blend file here
read more ...displacement texture bifurcation
I played with animating the texture used in a displacement-node in a cycles render. In this animation I animated the turbulence factor of a Marble texture
you can download the blend file here
read more ...displace vector curve
For this blender experiment I used a simple bands texture in a cycles material as a displacement texture. I used the generated texture coordinates for the sphere and modified it by using a vector curve node. Unfortunately cycles renders some wired circular noisy displacement on the poles of the object when I render it on my GPU - I'm not quite sure why this happens yet.
you can download the blend file here
read more ...glowing plates
for this animation I wanted some glowing panels to light up in a random order. So I created a particle set and used the particle index and compared it to the current frame index using a "less than" Node. Based on that comparison I switch between a diffuse- and an emmision-Shader by using the result of the comparison as the mix factor.
you can download the blend file here
read more ...Volumentric emission shader
For this animation I have used an emission shader in a volumetric material for the first time. I added the shader on top of a volume scatter and a volume whatever shader and used a gradient curve to modify the density values for the emission shader a bit.
The input for the density function is a Point-Density Texture which is connected to a particle system.
The results aren' t quite as I expected them (which is kind of a recurring theme in my blender experiments :-) ) But I really like how it looks.
you can download the blend file here
glowing sphere
For this animation I combined various textures on a sphere and blended in an emission shader
you can download the blend file here