AN experiment - delayed instanciation

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-04-10T08:38:27+00:00

For this animation I distributed instances of a box on instances of a bezier circle and delayed their appearance by animating their scale

you can download the blend file here

delayed appearence

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AN experiment - curling curves

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-04-06T05:24:07+00:00

I created a bunch of curves curling around a bezier path using the Animation Nodes Addon for Blender

you can download the blend file here

curling curves

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AN experiment - Sine curves

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-04-02T05:19:15+00:00

I created a bunch of currves using a sine wave thats modulated by an animated wiggle node

you can download the blend file here

sine lines

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AN experiment - spherical curve

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-03-29T06:28:29+00:00

For this animation nodes experiment I fitted a spline spiral on a spherical surface

you can download the blend file here

spherical spiral curve

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AN experiment - wiggly lines

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-03-27T06:19:20+00:00

For this animation I used two nested loops and wiggly nodes to create a bunch of curve objects

you can download the blend file here

Wiggly lines

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ico sphere vertex traces

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-09-23T06:20:33+00:00

for this animation I used the btrace-addon to trace the vertices of a randomly moved and scaled ico-sphere

you can download the blend file here

ico sphere traces

curve structure

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-08-27T06:36:44+00:00

I used the fibermesh addon to fit a curve inside a structure made of cubes

you can find the fiber-mesh addon described in the blenderartists forum

you can download the blend file here

curve structure

fiber grow

Nikolaus Gradwohl2014-07-08T04:25:50+00:00

for this animation I played with the fiber-mesh addon. The leafs are generated using a particle system.

you can download the blend file here

fiber grow

btrace tentacles

Nikolaus Gradwohl2013-11-29T06:16:37+00:00

This animation was created using a particle set that is influenced by two force fields. The tentacles have been created using the bTrace addon

you can download the blend file here

bTrace tentacles

fix particle curves

Nikolaus Gradwohl2013-10-28T06:18:42+00:00

For this animation I placed a particle set with no physic simulation on a small meth and create one particle per vertex. Then I animated the meth and created curves using the bTrace plugin from the particle positions

you can download the blend file here
