Processing at the OCWD#2

Nikolaus Gradwohl2009-05-09T06:34:00+00:00

on saturday the 2.May i was invited as a speaker to the second Osliper Computer-Workshop-Day. This time the workshop was about processing and arduino. read the summary by Franz on his blog (in German), to see some of the examples we made.

like the first OCWD (which was about python, django and pylons) it was really a whole lot of fun, and i'm looking forward to the next ones

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See also:

sketch experiment 7 - osc events
nested cubes in processing
processing phaseflower
Time Perception
de jong attractor


  1. Im Rahmen des OCWD#2 durfte ich auch lernen, wie ich meine Arduino Mikrocontroller programmieren kann. Das System so auszustatten, dass alles funktionierte, war die erste Herausforderung und konnte dank Anleitungen gut bewƤltigt werden. Die zweit...


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