sketch experiment 5 - grid

Nikolaus Gradwohl2020-10-09T14:28:15+00:00

For my next sketch experiment I placed some rectangles on a grid and rotated them but delayed the rotation by the distance of the center.

experiment no 5

this is the code I used to create the sketch - I probably should have transofrmed the distance calculation into a function now that I think of it. well - maybe next time :-)

(defsketch blub (
  (title "sketch ex5")
  (width 410)
  (height 410)
  (f 0)
  (p 0)
  (incf f 0.1)
  (background (rgb .9 .9 .9))

  (dotimes (i 10)
   (dotimes (j 10 )
     (setf dx (- 5 i))
     (setf dy (- 5 j))
     (setf p (- f (* 2 (sqrt (+ (* dx dx) (* dy dy))))))
     (translate (+ 30 (* i 40)) (+ 25 (* j 40)))
     (rotate p)
     (rect -19 -19 36 36)
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See also:

sketch experiment 8 - circles animated
sketch experiment 7 - osc events
sketch experiment 6 - color
sketch experiment 3 - animation
sketch experiment 3 - circles



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