
Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-06-22T20:46:00+00:00

hmmmmmm - todays project for 30daysofcreativity is...

    at guru.bodyparts.head.Brain.think()
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A Color-Gradient-Sliding-Puzzle in Processing

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-06-22T05:36:00+00:00

I made a sliding puzzle game in processing. What makes it a bit different from all the others is, that there are no numbers on the pices but you have it to sort the fields by color-gradient.

click here to give it a try.

this is my Day 21 Project for 30datsofcreativity


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Using Mbrola-Voices with the Processing ttslib

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-06-20T17:33:00+00:00

To use mbrola-voices with the processing ttslib make sure you have installed the newest version of ttslib (version 0.2 at the time of writing). Download the mbrola-binary for your system and make sure the binary is named mbrola (or else freetts won't find it).

Make sure you can live with the mbrola-licence.

Download the us voices you want to use and unzip them to the directory where your mbrola binary lives.

on my linux system the content of the mbrola directory looks like this


in the setup method of your processing sketch set the absolute path to your mbrola directory as a java system property. Now the name of the mbrola voice you want to use can be added as a string parameter to the TTS constructor

import guru.ttslib.*;

TTS tts;

void setup() {
  tts = new TTS("mbrola_us1");

void draw() {

void mousePressed() {
  tts.speak("Hello! I'm a talking processing sketch!");
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gekko in 3d

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-06-20T07:22:00+00:00

I transformed my gekko from a pencildrawing to a real physical object. I converted the drawing into a 3D object using blender and then printed it on my makerbot. This is my Day 20 project for 30daysofcreativity

click here to download the stl file


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Download-Bot in Povray

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-06-19T09:55:00+00:00

Today's inspirational theme for 30daysofcreativity is robots. So I made a new virtual version of my downloadbot - this time in povray


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a gekko

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-06-19T08:16:03+00:00

this is my Day 18 project for 30daysofcreativity. I made this (and many, many more drawings) while waiting in a delayed airplane to get a start-slot on a very windy day :-/


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Boardingpass Paperplane

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-06-19T08:07:00+00:00

This is my Day 17 project, which gets posted a little late, because i have been on a scrummaster-training the last 2 days. But I have been very creative these two days (ask my trainer :-> )

Here is a paperplane i made from my boardingpass

boardingpass paperplane

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Servers Back on Air

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-06-16T13:01:00+00:00

After 6h without electricity i managed to bring my servers back online. This is my day 16 project for 30daysofcreativity - because i needed A LOT of creativity to get everything back online :-/

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A Logo spiral

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-06-15T19:58:00+00:00

For todays 30daysOfCreativity-Project I wanted to use a tool, that I haven't used so far. So I went back to the first programming language I have learned 20 years ago - Logo.

I used the kde KTurtle programm to write some logo code, which looks more like a modern IDE that the logo interpreter I remember :-)

$l = 1
repeat 64 {
  fw $l*2
  repeat 4 {
        fw $l
        tr 90
  bw $l*2
    $l = $l + 1
    tr 360/32

logo spiral

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Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-06-14T22:13:00+00:00

This is my Day 14 project for 30DaysOfCreativity

An Ascii-Art-Pizza

    //\        PPPPP IIII ZZZZZ ZZZZZ    A
   // O \      PP  PP II    ZZ    ZZ    A A
  || O o  \    PPPPP  II   ZZ    ZZ    AAAAA
  ||__o__O__\  PP    IIII ZZZZZ ZZZZZ A     A

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