Blender Test-Animation

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-12-27T06:57:25+00:00

The next tool I want to brush up my skills a bit is blender. I already have some modeling experience in blender because of my 3D printer, but I haven't made many animations yet.

So here is a first testrender of a moving and rotating cube to verify the brand new blender 2.61 is working on my box.

I only used some keyframes on translation and rotation for the camera and the cube object. Nothing very fancy yet but if you like you can download the blend file here

processing.js advent calender - door 24

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-12-24T07:48:51+00:00

I just wrote door24 of my 2011 - Calender

I have written a lot of processing.js sketches and here are some of my findings

first of all - I like it very much - especially how easy it is to deploy on a website and the fact that on the client side only a browser is needed.

What I didn't like very much is that the javascript quality and speed varies a lot among bowsers and operating systems. Some sketches run blazing fast in my firefox and slow to a crawl in my safari - and vize versa.

So when deploying processing.js scripts - one has to do the very same things as with every web/javascript code - test test test. on every plattform in every browser.

What I haven't tested so far are things like sound or video, or integrating libraries into the code. All the sketches in the advent calender use pure processing.

I thing this is a point where we can expect a lot of development in the next time, but where processing defintly has a clear margin at the moment.

So Processing and Processing.js will definitly coexist in my toolbox from now on :-)


processing.js advent calender - door 23

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-12-23T05:38:08+00:00

I just wrote door23 of my 2011 - Calender

yesterdays sketch was - in fact - an accident (but still very beautiful) - what I really intendet to do was this :-)


processing.js advent calender - door 22

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-12-22T05:43:10+00:00

I just wrote door22 of my 2011 - Calender


processing.js advent calender - door 21

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-12-21T05:43:51+00:00

I just wrote door21 of my 2011 - Calender

Today I made a trigonometric gingerbread pretzel


processing.js advent calender - door 20

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-12-20T17:48:19+00:00

I just wrote door20 of my 2011 - Calender


processing.js advent calender - door 19

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-12-19T05:56:20+00:00

I just wrote door19 of my 2011 - Calender

Today I ported one of my last-years sketches to processing-js because I wanted to test the blend function - works like charm :-)


processing.js advent calender - door 18

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-12-18T14:01:59+00:00

I just wrote door18 of my 2011 - Calender


processing.js advent calender - door 17

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-12-17T10:23:53+00:00

I just wrote door17 of my 2011 - Calender


processing.js advent calender - door 16

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-12-16T06:28:27+00:00

I just wrote door16 of my 2011 - Calender
