Welcome Lil Erebus

Nikolaus Gradwohl2018-06-11T19:33:30+00:00

I build the Erebus Lil DIY kit by dreadbox this weekend - after 6 hours of soldering estimated 100000 components on very very tiny solder pads on saturday, I spent 8 hours on sunday searching for the one cold solder joint :-/

But everything is working fine now and here is a first short jam with my new synth - enjoy!

Lil Erebus

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SonicPI + Volca Jam

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-08-26T19:34:38+00:00

I recorded a SonicPI live jam exploring the new midi functionality. I used my Volca Keys, Volca Bass and Volca Sample for the recording.

SonicPi Livejam

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Volca Sample Live Jam

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-02-14T05:03:16+00:00

I'm currently building a new set of samples for my volca sample and this is the first video jam of me using it. For the baseline I used 3 tracks and I programmed the same note sequence but transposed it on each slot - this way I don't need 3 storage slots on my volca to change the base chord. And I noticed that I need to practice a bit more :-)

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First 0-Coast jam

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-01-23T05:25:34+00:00

I added a MakeNoise 0-Coast to my homestudio and recorded my first Jam-Session - This synth really is a beast :-) The Synth line ist from the 0-Coast with a little delay and revery by bitwig. The bass-line and drums are made with bitwig-plugins.

0-Coast jam1

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Volca + Streichfett Jam 01.2017

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-01-16T06:14:20+00:00

This is my first volca+streichfett jam this year - recorded and mixed using bitwig-studio

volca + streichfett Jam 01.2017

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bitwig studio cowbell jam

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-10-28T06:06:27+00:00

I recently updated my bitwig studio to 1.3 and found out that the new cowbell instrument is far more versatile than expected. Bass and melody are both created with the new virtual instrument

cowbell jam

Volca Live Jam

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-06-04T10:27:47+00:00

I recorded a live jam with my 4 volcas last weekend. Everything recorded in one take, no effects, no post processing, just raw analog synth stuff