osc events in supercollider
supercollider uses osc to controll the synthisizers internally, but i wanted a supercollider synth to react to my osc events instead of having to send supercollider-osc events from my app
after some research in the help files i found out that OSCresponderNode does the trick.
the code example shows how to register for an osc event and trigger a synth. now i can use a supercollidersynt with my ruby osc sequencer
SynthDef( "guru2", { arg mfreq=40;
var env, amp;
env = Env.perc( 0, 0.2 );
amp = EnvGen.kr(env, 1, doneAction:2);
Out.ar([0,1], SinOsc.ar( mfreq.midicps ) * amp * 0.5);
n = NetAddr("", 57120)
o = OSCresponderNode(nil, '/melody', { |t, r, msg| Synth( "guru2", [\mfreq, msg[1]]); }).add;
See also:
SuperCollider on Linux
sketch experiment 7 - osc events
SuperCollider drumsample generator
Volca Sample SuperCollider Drum Set
music live-coding environments - my first impressions
sketch experiment 7 - osc events
SuperCollider drumsample generator
Volca Sample SuperCollider Drum Set
music live-coding environments - my first impressions
Hi, you may want to check my SuperCollider client for Ruby, heres an example of a SynthDef:
Sorry, the url: http://github.com/maca/scruby