four seasons

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-01-19T05:54:46+00:00

I played a bit with the Sapling plugin for blender (which can be activated under "UserPreferences->Addons->Add Curve"). This plugin alows you to generate really nice trees in blender by defining how many branches/leafes/which angles/etc your tree should have.

I used it to generate a tree and generated a four seasons gallery by changing the leaf textures and the colors of the scene. For the autumn picture I generated a particle system which adds a particle for every leaf and makes them fall down.

I have 4 blender files to download this time spring, summer, autumn and winter

I also uploaded the leaf-textures for the spring leaf, the summer leaf and the autumn leaf

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See also:

light and shadow
bend and twist part 4
icosphere deformation part 2
icosphere deformations
bend and twist - part 2



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