SynthJam 01 2019

Nikolaus Gradwohl2019-01-20T10:21:36+00:00

Yesterday it came to my mind, that in the last few weeks I've spent more time working on my music equipment than actually making music - I created a new stand for my Mother32 and my DFAM, I made a midi to trigger signal box based on an arduino, I wrote a controller script for my KMI SoftTouch2 so I can controll bitwig with my feed while jamming - all very important tasks that will help me focus on making music - but currently it feels like all those task are eating my time for making music.

So I recorded a quick synth jam using the repro1 plugin from uhe and the mother32 in Bitwig Studio. I also added some drums from the Volca Beat, the volca sample and the DFAM.

So - without further ado - here is my first syth jam of 2019

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See also:

New Track: Drops in the Dark
New Track: The World you don't see
Synth Jam - Mar 27
Soundtrack for Sunsets
Phase Shift



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