ronin experiment 8 - pixel transformation vortex

Nikolaus Gradwohl2019-07-24T05:37:35+00:00

for this ronin experiment I combined the pixel transformation functions with the animation event handler to scale and rotate the previous frame. this creates a rotating vortex and everything drawn on the screen is sliding into the void slowly

pixel transformation vortex

this is the code i used to create the effect:

(defn color (r g b a) (
  (concat "rgba(" r "," g "," b "," a ")")


(def w (sub (div (of (frame) :w ) 2) 200))
(def h (div (of (frame) :h ) 2))

(on "animate" '(
  (def c (random 100 255))
  (move w h)
  (rotate 0.007)
  (scale 0.99)
    (random (mul -1 w) w)
    (random (mul -1 h) h)
    (random 10 50)
  (random 1 10)
  (color c c c 128))
    (rect 0 0 (mul 2 w) (mul h 2))
    (pos (mul -1 w) (mul -1 h))
(fill (frame) "#00000004")
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See also:

Ronin experiment 21 - morphing lissajous states
ronin experiment 20 - transform flower
ronin experiment 19 - Sonic Pi visualizer
Ronin experiment 18 - Rainbow
Ronin experiment 17 - boids



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