Ronin experiment 12 - traces of a restless ghost

Nikolaus Gradwohl2019-07-28T03:28:33+00:00

I created a fractal using a recursive function and animated the rotation angles

animated recursion

this is the recursive function I used to create the animation

(defn rec (v) (
(def s 150)
(if (gt v 0) (
  (circle 0 0 s s)
"#FFFAAF20" 10)

(move (div s -2) (div s -2))
(scale 0.75)
(rotate (sin (time 0.00074)))
(rec (sub v 1))
(move (div s 2) (div s 2))
(scale 0.75)
(rotate (sin (time 0.00053)))

(rec (sub v 1))

(resize 800 800)
(on "animate" '(
(move 400 400)
(rec 11)
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See also:

Ronin experiment 21 - morphing lissajous states
ronin experiment 20 - transform flower
ronin experiment 19 - Sonic Pi visualizer
Ronin experiment 18 - Rainbow
Ronin experiment 17 - boids



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