sketch experiment 1 - openlisp based media art framework

Nikolaus Gradwohl2020-10-05T18:07:44+00:00

Today I used sketch for the first time. It's a commonlisp based media art framework similar to processing. I haven't made something fancy yet, but so far I like it.

I also installed the vim plugin vlime for the first time - but I'm not yet sure if I really like it - maybe I need to use it for a little while to get used to it.

sketch boxes

the graphic was created using this lisp code

(defsketch boxes () (background (rgb 0 0 0.5)) (dotimes (i 11)
(with-pen (make-pen :fill (rgb 0 1 0)) (rect (+ (* i 30) 40) 100 10 200) ) ) )

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See also:

sketch experiment 8 - circles animated
sketch experiment 7 - osc events
sketch experiment 6 - color
sketch experiment 5 - grid
sketch experiment 3 - animation



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