Arduino based Midi Trigger box for analog synths

Nikolaus Gradwohl2018-09-14T07:11:26+00:00

I usually control my volca and the Mother32 via midi and create sequences using Bitwig studio or Sonic Pi but I wanted to use the build in sequencers to create a more hands-on feeling and simplify loop creation while jamming but haven't found a satisfying what to synchronize the sequencers to each other and to my computer

I considered buying a bastl klick - but I would need several of them to control different synths at different clock-rates and I would have to sacrifice several audio outs to control them.

So I build a midi-trigger system using an arduino that allows me to send trigger signals to 4 devices using midi note-on signals. Now I can run the sequencers of my devices at different clock rates allowing me to use longer or shorter sequences or create different rhythms by sending trigger signals with different note lengths to the DFAM. Sort of like a clock-divider on steroids combined with a sequenceable trigger pulse.


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New Track: The World you don't see

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-04-28T07:04:56+00:00

for every world you know there is at least one that go unnoticed ...

Listen to my new Track on soundcloud

The world you don't see

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New Track: Seven meets Four

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-04-11T05:58:49+00:00

a 7/4 loop meets a 4/4 loop in this polyrhytmic exploration, featuring my Mother 32, 0-Coast, MiniNova and Streichfett

seven meets four

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Synth Jam - Mar 27

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-03-28T06:13:24+00:00

This is a recording of a jam session - using my moog mother, 0-Coast, volca bass, volca beats and Bitwig studio

Synth Jam - Mar 27

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Soundtrack for Sunsets

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-03-13T07:27:53+00:00

This track was inspired by a loop I recorded while watching an epic sunset from my desk

Soundtrack for Sunsets

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New Track: Melody in D-Minor

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-02-27T05:18:10+00:00

I created a new track using only my hardware-synths and introducing my new Moog Mother 32 to the studio. The Arpeggio, Bass and Beats are from the volcas. The melodie lines are from the Mother 32, the 0-Coast and the MiniNova. The Pad sound is from the Streichfett and the horns are from the MX61.

melody in d-minor

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