tiny ascii-art robot

Nikolaus Gradwohl2009-10-20T06:14:00+00:00

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How to build a Download-Bot

Nikolaus Gradwohl2009-02-10T18:26:00+00:00

a while ago i posted images of my download-bots. this december my parents used them as their xmas-tree decoration.

now i have written some instruction to enable my dear reader to build his own download-bot - prefereably while downloading a big file.

i use 2 strip of wood one 2cm x 4cm, and the second one 1cm x 0.5cm

  • cut a 2 cm long block from the bigger strip for the head
  • cut a 4.5cm long pice from the bigger strip for the body
  • cut 4 2.5cm long pices from the smaller strip for arms and feet
  • cut a 1 cm long pice from the smaller pice for the nec
  • now glue the pices together following the instruction graphic bellow.
  • put 2 pins into the head as antennas
  • and finally draw a funny face on the head block


é voilà - a download-bot!


i really would like to see a comment if you have build your own bot

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download bots - xmas edition

Nikolaus Gradwohl2008-12-28T15:44:00+00:00

a while ago i made some wooden bots while waiting for a download. My family really liked them - so they got our xmas-tree decoration this year :-)


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Ascii-art robot

Nikolaus Gradwohl2008-10-11T09:51:00+00:00

          ()               ()
            \             /
          /                 \
         /     ___    ___    \
         |    /   \  /   \   |
         |    |  H || H  |   |
         |    \___/  \___/   |
         |                   |
         |  \             /  |
         |   \___________/   |
         \                   /
       _|                    |_
      / |                    | \
     /  |            O O O   |  \
     |  |                    |  |
     |  |            O O O   |  |
     |  |                    |  |
     /  |                    |  \
    |  /|                    |\  |
     \| |                    | |/
           |  |        |  |
           |__|        |__|
          / __ \      / __ \
          OO  OO      OO  OO
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Downloadbots (digital version)

Nikolaus Gradwohl2008-10-01T20:09:00+00:00

Some while ago i made downloadbots from a block of wood while waiting for a longer download.

i wanted to test the "noLoop()" function from processing, so i did a digital version of them

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download bots

Nikolaus Gradwohl2008-03-15T17:13:00+00:00

UPDATE: I posted some building instructions for Download-Bots

i just started a lengthy download and had to kill some time so i started to build some toy-robots for my kids.

it took me aproxymatly 90 mb to build 2 robots

so while downloading my next ubuntu cd 1 could build 12 of them and while downloading the iphone sdk i could make another 48! An army of little robots! World donimation! muaaahahaha!


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