The box

Nikolaus Gradwohl2013-11-02T12:31:20+00:00

I made a short animation on my tablet today

the box

dancing little lego-sheep

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-05-20T10:40:00+00:00

I made another stop-motion video using toonloop and mencoder. This time its featuring a dancing little lego-sheep.

if you want to know how to convert a set of images to a movie using mencoder see this blog post

dancing sheep from Nikolaus Gradwohl on Vimeo.

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"Bad Day" - the movie

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-04-01T08:43:00+00:00

I made a short stop-motion animation movie by only using gimp layers. I made a layer for the background and the forground and one layer for each frame of the animation-cycle of the stick figure. Then i used the move-layer tool to place the stick figure and made the other layers invisible.

Bad Day from Nikolaus Gradwohl on Vimeo.

When you think you have a bad day - always remember - it could get worse :-)

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