rotated text in reportlabs

Nikolaus Gradwohl2009-04-09T10:09:00+00:00

if you want to make a great chart like the one below in reportlab, you need rotated text. it isn't very complicated - its just a bit hard to find som examples on the net.

the canvas in reportlab has a saveState and a restoreState method, and supports rotate and translate similar to openGL or processing. see the code example below who it is done.

chart with rotated lables

from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab.lib.units import cm

c = canvas.Canvas("rotate.pdf")

c.line( 2*cm, 21*cm, 2*cm, 16*cm)
c.line( 2*cm, 16*cm, 11*cm, 16*cm )

c.setFillColorRGB( 0, 0, 1 )
c.rect( 2.5*cm, 16*cm, 1.5*cm, 3*cm, fill = 1 )
c.setFillColorRGB( 0, 1, 0 )
c.rect( 4.5*cm, 16*cm, 1.5*cm, 4*cm, fill = 1 )
c.setFillColorRGB( 1, 0, 0 )
c.rect( 6.5*cm, 16*cm, 1.5*cm, 2*cm, fill = 1 )

c.setFillColorRGB( 0, 0, 0 )

for str in ["blue", "green", "red"]:
    c.translate( (i + 3.5) * cm, 15.5 * cm )
    c.rotate( 45 )
    c.drawRightString( 0, 0, str )
    i += 2

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See also:

ReportLab Test
grease pencil experiment 6 - grid
grease pencil experiment 4 - filled shapes
grease pencil experiment 4 - depth of field
grease pencil experiment 3 - animated circles



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