AN Experiment 2018 Test 12 - Metaball noise

Nikolaus Gradwohl2018-06-01T06:41:22+00:00

For this Animation Node experiment I created Metaballs changing their size depending on their position in a noisefield

you can download the blend file here

Metaball noise field

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AN Experiment 2018 Test 7 - growing

Nikolaus Gradwohl2018-05-03T05:25:53+00:00

For this AnimationNode experiment I made growing vines out of vertices using random 2d noise patterns. I used a grid mesh to generate the inital vertices and iterate over the list of vertices in the mesh using a loop. Then I used a second loop to generate the spline for each vertex.

The number of vertices in each spline is controlled by the framerate and each vertex is moved by a random amount along the x- and y-axis.

The node setup is a bit too complicated for a screenshot but you can download the blend file here


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cuircuitboard noise pattern

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-12-06T05:09:06+00:00

I saw a hudini video tutorial a few weeks ago that shows how to use a noise field to create particle trails that look like electronic schematics. I really liked the effect and recreated it using a small processing script. To create the effect I set up some particles, that use a noisefield to influence their velocity. Before the velocity is added to the particles potion the vector is normalized and then each component is converted to an integer value - this limits the values to the x and y component to -1,0 and 1. The resulting vector is then scaled to the original length of the vector and added to the position of the particles.

click here to start the sketch or download the sourcecode.

cuircuitboard noise pattern

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particles in the wind

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-11-18T05:09:29+00:00

I just noticed that the last time I posted a processing sketch was in july - which is a shame. So to all the processing fans among my readers who are eagerly waiting for another sketch - here is my newest processing sketch.

I created a particle fountain in the middle of the screen and added a little bit of noise to the velocity of each particle. The noise fields are influenced by the current velocity and to add a bit of movement to the noisefield I also add a factor based on the current framecount to the noise function. If a particle leaves the screen it gets deactivated and is then reactivated in the middle of the screen at a random time.

If you like it or have any questions feel free to leave a comment below.

click here to start the sketch or download the sourcecode.

particles in the wind

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curl noise field

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-07-06T07:04:38+00:00

In this processing sketch I'm using the perlin noise function to create a curl noise vector field

click here to start the sketch or download the sourcecode.

boxed noise

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noise modulo - part II

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-06-27T07:39:10+00:00

I modified my noise modulo sketch from last week by adding a second noisefield perpendicular to the first one. I got this idea from a facebook comment - which unfortunately has been deleted, so I can't credit the author. The two noisefield functions use different offsets and move the field with different speeds to create a more asymetric image

click here to start the sketch or download the sourcecode.

noise modulo 2

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