sverchok experiment 5 - slices

Nikolaus Gradwohl2014-07-16T06:20:37+00:00

For this sverchok experiment I created a mesh from 3 Metaballs and sliced it using a sverchok script. Then I extruded the slices.

you can download the blend file here

sverchok slices

sverchok experiment 4 - sine wave

Nikolaus Gradwohl2014-07-15T06:21:45+00:00

for this sverchok experiment I generated an animated plane made of random sized and colored cubes.

you can download the blend file here

sverchok experiment 4

sverchok experiment 3 - cloning

Nikolaus Gradwohl2014-07-14T07:11:20+00:00

For this sverchok experiment I generated a mesh by combining a cube and a icosphere

you can download the blend file here

sverchok experiment3

sverchok experiment 2 - bmesh animation

Nikolaus Gradwohl2014-07-13T09:00:54+00:00

This is my second sverchok experiment. For this animation I used a bmesh creation tool and modified the transformation matrix using a node setup that's depending on the current frame number. The flapping sound was created using bitwig-studio

you can download the blend file here

sverchok experiment2

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sverchok experiment 1 - hilbert curve

Nikolaus Gradwohl2014-07-12T11:14:58+00:00

Jimmy Gunawan from blendersushi recomended me to give the sverchok blender add-on a try - so I started a new experient series. The first thing I noticed is that it creates 3D Hilbert curves out of the box - very awesome :-). So here is my first sverchok blender experiment

you can download the blend file here

sverchok experiment 1