Javascript and Typescript link-collection

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-09-13T05:30:56+00:00

javascript link collection

I have used javascript a lot on the client side as an addition for various backend frameworks but I never used it for full stack development. In the last few monthts I used angular2, node.js and express in some POCs and and smaller pirvate web applications - Here are some of the links I found helpful.


I used mainly angular2 and typescript for my frontends. I looked at various other frameworks, but this is what I liked the most.


I really like the hero tutorial by the angular2 team.


since angular2 recommends typescript I started learning it - if you have used an object oriented language like java before, you will feel at home very fast.

a nice tutorial on how to wirte an angular2 component in typescript

How to write a tab-bar in angular2 using typescript


Angular uses rxjs components like Observable in some components


I used bootstrap 3 to style my frontend. I really like this framework, it surely doesn't solve all your designers need but it helps to get a decent looking frontend fast

You can also style file-upload buttons

Prism is a nice framework for code highlighting in javascript

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formating xml in vim

Nikolaus Gradwohl2009-03-28T08:14:00+00:00

i often have to work with xml files that are autogenerated and look very ugly i defined a short keymapping in my .vimrc file that calls xmllint --format - on the current buffer

map xf <ESC>:%!xmllint --format -<CR>

open any xml file and press 'xf' in command mode.

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ascii flower with bee

Nikolaus Gradwohl2008-12-09T16:27:00+00:00

   __/  \__
  /  \__/  \     ()
  \__/  \__/    O//)-
  /  \__/  \     ()
  \__/  \__/
      ||   __
      ||  / /|
      || / / |
      ||/ / /
      || / /
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Ascii-art robot

Nikolaus Gradwohl2008-10-11T09:51:00+00:00

          ()               ()
            \             /
          /                 \
         /     ___    ___    \
         |    /   \  /   \   |
         |    |  H || H  |   |
         |    \___/  \___/   |
         |                   |
         |  \             /  |
         |   \___________/   |
         \                   /
       _|                    |_
      / |                    | \
     /  |            O O O   |  \
     |  |                    |  |
     |  |            O O O   |  |
     |  |                    |  |
     /  |                    |  \
    |  /|                    |\  |
     \| |                    | |/
           |  |        |  |
           |__|        |__|
          / __ \      / __ \
          OO  OO      OO  OO
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SuperCollider on Linux

Nikolaus Gradwohl2008-08-17T09:35:00+00:00

Today i have installed supercollider on my ubutu system following this instructions. SuperCollider is a environment and programming language for audio synthesis simliar to chuck. SuperCollider can run on a network and uses OSC events for comunication.

After looking around in the source tree i found a plugin for vim :-)

Installations is a bit quirky (the folders 'ftpplugin', 'syntax' and 'intend' needed to be copied to ~/.vim by hand) but now i can edit my sc code using my vim - veeeery cool :-)

single lines of code can be sent to the server using F6 codeblocks are sent to the server using F5.

c = { arg f=900;
    var x;
    x =;
    x * 0.1

c.set(, 400);
c.set(, 670);

to start te server the first line has to be sent to sclang (using F6). Then the code block starting line 2 is sent to the server (using F5)... tata - a sine wave.

sending the last 2 lines (F6 again) change the frequency of the running synth.

F12 can be used to turn all sounds off.

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