Set operations on ruby arrays
Ruby provides some very interesting set operations on arrays.
given the two arrays A and B wich look like this
A = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
B = ["C", "D", "E"]
There are three set operations we can use that union, intersection and difference.
A | B
contains all elements from both sets without doublicates. So this results in ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]
A - B
contains all elements from set A that are not in set B. So this results in ["A", "B"]
A & B
contains all elements that are in set A and in set B. So this results in ["C", "D"]
See also:
Sonic Pi beatslicing livecoding session
creating midifiles using ruby
Calculating Euclidean Rhythmns using the Bresenham Algorithm
ruby rhyme generator
Thanks for the posting. This is what I was looking for.