flying through the menger-sponge

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-05-02T06:12:36+00:00

This is a flight throught a level 4 Menger Sponge. I generated the fractal using a pyhton script.

The blend file is very big so I don't link it here directly. You can regenerate it very easy by opening a text-editor in blender and running the python script below the image.

Menger sponge

import bpy; level = 4 width = 3**level

step = 2.0 / width
px = -1.0
py = -1.0
pz = 0

mesh ="MyMesh")

coords = []
faces = []

idx = 0;

for x in range(0,width):
    py = -1.0
    for y in range(0,width):
        pz = 0.0
        for z in range(0,width):
            t = True
            w = width / 3
            while ( w >= 1  ):
                tx = ((int( x/w ) % 3 )!= 1)
                ty = ((int( y/w ) % 3 )!= 1)
                tz = ((int( z/w ) % 3 )!= 1)
                t = t and ((tx and ty ) or (tx and tz) or (ty and tz ))
                w  = w/3
            if t == True:

                coords.append(( px, py, pz ))
                coords.append(( px + step, py, pz ))
                coords.append(( px + step, py + step, pz ))
                coords.append(( px, py+step , pz ))
                coords.append(( px, py, pz + step))
                coords.append(( px + step, py, pz + step ))
                coords.append(( px + step, py + step, pz + step ))
                coords.append(( px, py+step , pz + step ))

                faces.append(( idx, idx+1, idx+2, idx+3 ))
                faces.append(( idx, idx+1, idx+5, idx+4 ))
                faces.append(( idx+1, idx+2, idx+6, idx+5 ))
                faces.append(( idx+2, idx+3, idx+7, idx+6 ))
                faces.append(( idx+3, idx+0, idx+4, idx+7 ))
                faces.append(( idx+4, idx+5, idx+6, idx+7 ))

                idx += 8

object = 'MESH', mesh ) object )

mesh.from_pydata( coords, [], faces )
mesh.update( calc_edges=True )
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See also:

9^3 cubes
blender labyrinth generator
grease pencil experiment 6 - grid
grease pencil experiment 4 - filled shapes
grease pencil experiment 4 - depth of field



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