8bit music

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-06-10T08:29:43+00:00

This is a homage to all the 8Bit chiptunes out there

The visuals are generated using blender

the sounds have been generated using a C64-Emulator and a basic script (my basic skills are a bit rusted)

This is my Day 10 project for 30DaysOfCreativity

you can download the blend file here

8bit music

and here is the basic code

10 v=54272
20 pokev+5,8:pokev+6,1
30 pokev+2,0:pokev+3,8:pokev+4,33
40 pokev+24,15
60 v2=54279
70 pokev2+5,8:pokev2+6,1
80 pokev2+2,0:pokev2+3,8:pokev2+4,33
150 read a,b,c
160 if a=-1 then goto195
170 pokev+4,0:pokev+4,65
180 pokev+1,b:pokev+0,c
150 read a,b,c
170 pokev2+4,0:pokev2+4,65
180 pokev2+1,b:pokev2+0,c
150 read a,b,c
185 for i=1toa*25:next
170 pokev2+4,0:pokev2+4,65
180 pokev2+1,b:pokev2+0,c
185 for i=1toa*25:next
190 goto150
195 restore
196 goto150
200 fori=0to24:pokev+i,0:next
1000 data 5,4,73,5,8,147,5,12,216
1001 data 5,4,73,5,8,147,5,12,216
1002 data 5,4,73,5,8,147,5,12,216
1003 data 5,4,73,5,8,147,5,12,216
1004 data 5,4,73,5,8,147,5,12,216
1005 data 5,4,73,5,8,147,5,12,216
1006 data 5,4,73,5,8,147,5,12,216
1007 data 5,4,73,5,8,147,5,12,216
1010 data 5,5,85,5,11,114,5,14,107
1011 data 5,5,85,5,11,114,5,14,107
1012 data 5,5,85,5,11,114,5,14,107
1013 data 5,5,85,5,11,114,5,14,107
1020 data 5,6,108,5,9,159,5,12,216
1021 data 5,6,108,5,9,159,5,12,216
1022 data 5,6,108,5,9,159,5,12,216
1023 data 5,6,108,5,9,159,5,12,216
1020 data-1,0,0
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See also:

Processing and Blender Sound Visualizer for Magical Dreams
new Video - Moment To Moment
Where Opposites Meet
Animation Node experiment - circular sound visualizer



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