launchpad mini to play push like scales using puredata

Nikolaus Gradwohl2013-11-18T07:22:35+00:00

I wrote a pure-data patch that allows me to use my launchpad mini to play my synthesizers. The scales use a similar layout to ableton push (hence the name pushy). To translate between the default midi mapping and the push layout I first used a div and a mod operation to find out what row and column a pressed button was in. Then I calculate the offset for each row to implement the quater shift everytime you go up one row. Then I use a puredata table that holds the scale to be played (currently major and minor) to create the midi-number. The base tone can be shifted up and down by 12 semitones using the E and F button or by 1 semitone using the C and D buttons.

To connect it to my midi equipment I use jack on my linux box and wire it to my synths using qjackctl.

you can download my puredata file here

I also recorded a short loop using the launchpad and my mininova


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See also:

creating midifiles using ruby
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