Semimodular meets SonicPI
This is a recording of a livecoding jam with the latest developmentversion of sonicPI. I used the new midi functionality to control my Moog Mother 32 and my Makenoise 0-Coast.
Here is the code I created for this jam - It runs with the 2.12-dev version of SonicPI and will probably not running without modifications on the final release version of SonicPI.
use_bpm 80 chords = [ chord( :A3, 'm9'), chord( :E3, 'm9', invert: 1), ].ring ac = chords[0] live_loop :foo do ac = chords.tick with_fx :reverb, mix: 0.7, room: 0.9, amp: 1.5 do with_fx :echo, mix: 0.7, decay:0.5 do with_synth :dark_ambience do play_chord ac, sustain: 16, attack: 0, release: 1 end end sleep 16 end end live_loop :baaz do sample :ambi_glass_hum, release: 1, rate:0.5, amp: 1.5 sleep 8 end live_loop :bar do with_fx :reverb, mix: 0.75 do sample :bd_boom, amp:0.8 sleep 0.5 sample :bd_boom, amp:0.8 sleep 4 end end port = 'Mio10: Mio10 MIDI 8' live_loop :mbar do 8.times do midi ac.choose+12, vel: 64, sustain:0.25, channel:1, port:port sleep [0.25,0.5,1,2].choose end end portb = 'Mio10: Mio10 MIDI 7' live_loop :mbar2 do 32.times do midi ac[0]-12, vel: 64, sustain:0.25, channel:1, port:portb sleep 0.5 end end max_amp = 0.5; start_amp = 0; target_amp = 0; #start_amp = max_amp; target_amp = 0; #start_amp = 0; target_amp = max_amp; amp = start_amp; live_loop :audio do amp += ( target_amp - start_amp ) / 16.0 amp = amp > max_amp ? max_amp : amp; amp = amp < 0 ? 0 : amp; # amp = max_amp with_fx :sound_out, output: 1 do with_fx :reverb, mix:0.75, room: 0.8, amp: amp do with_fx :echo , mix:0.75, decay:2, phase:0.5 do synth :sound_in, input:1 end end end with_fx :sound_out, output: 2 do with_fx :reverb, mix:0.75, room: 0.8, amp: amp do with_fx :echo , mix:0.75, decay:2, phase:0.75 do synth :sound_in, input:1 end end end sleep 1 end live_loop :audio2 do with_fx :reverb, mix:0.4, room: 0.8, amp: 0.8 do with_fx :echo, mix:0.5, decay:0.5, room: 0.5, phase:0.25, max_phase: 0.3 do synth :sound_in, input:2 end end sleep 1 end
See also:
ronin experiment 19 - Sonic Pi visualizer
SynthJam 01 2019
Sonic Pi beatslicing livecoding session
new Track: Glipse of worlds that might be
new Song: Walk in the Rain
SynthJam 01 2019
Sonic Pi beatslicing livecoding session
new Track: Glipse of worlds that might be
new Song: Walk in the Rain