blender 2.80 experiment 10 - animation nodes

Nikolaus Gradwohl2019-03-04T03:30:27+00:00

For this blender 2.80 experiment, i compiled a new version of the animation nodes addon and made a icosphere explode :-)

The render was created with eevee and freestyle

you can download the blend file here

blender 2.80 animation nodes

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multiple animated L-Systems using the Animation-Nodes-Addon in Blender

Nikolaus Gradwohl2018-11-08T02:51:29+00:00

For this animation I used a separate l-system for every vertex in an icosphere to grow a treelike structure and animated their repetition count

you can download the blend file here


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animated mesh of an icosphere

Nikolaus Gradwohl2018-10-31T02:18:35+00:00

I created a set of splines using the animation nodes vertices-to-spline node and then animated it with a builder modifier in blender

you can download the blend file here

Building an ico sphere

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AN experiment - particle mesh deformation

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-07-04T07:04:09+00:00

For this animation I created a particlesystem on a ico-sphere mesh that emits exacly one particle per vertex. Then I used the animation node addon to move the vertices of the mesh along with the corresponding particle. The particles are influenced by a curly noisefield.

you can download the blend file here

Particle Mesh Deformation

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AN experiment - mesh from particles

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-06-12T05:20:03+00:00

For this animation I used the latest beta of the animation nodes 2.0 addon, to create polygons form particles using the KVTree nodes

you can download the blend file here

mesh from particles

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AN experiment - Boxes

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-04-17T15:19:57+00:00

For this animation node experiment I copied instances of a hollow box and rotated them slightly using a loop

you can download the blend file here


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AN experiment - delayed instanciation

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-04-10T08:38:27+00:00

For this animation I distributed instances of a box on instances of a bezier circle and delayed their appearance by animating their scale

you can download the blend file here

delayed appearence

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AN experiment - distance

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-04-09T09:44:34+00:00

For this animation I used the distance node from the animation nodes addon to change the height of the boxes based on their distance to an empty.

you can download the blend file here


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AN experiment - instances

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-04-08T12:10:35+00:00

For this animation I used the animation nodes "distribute instances on spline"-Template and animated the instances using a math node and wiggle node. I rendered the animation using cycles and freestyle.

you can download the blend file here

AN Test instances

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AN experiment - curling curves

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-04-06T05:24:07+00:00

I created a bunch of curves curling around a bezier path using the Animation Nodes Addon for Blender

you can download the blend file here

curling curves

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