Electone B55
This week I´ve been busy playing with an Yamaha Electone B55 from 1978 :-)
This is a first short song I have recorded using bitwig. Except for the drums every sound is from the B55.
Dubtechno Jam
A new Track using Bitwig-Studio and my Volcas - I controlled the Volca Bass using the External Instrument, and recorded it to an new audio track while turning the knobs. The effects on the bass track are from my Kaospad.
Sonate in C perfomed by the Volca Trio
Mozart's "Sonate in C" (Köchel Verzeichniss 545) performed by the Volca-Trio
Volca M3
This is a recording of a live session using the 3 Korg Volcas trying to put the volca keys settings to extremes and explore all possible sounds
Volca Trio Live Session
I finally managed to get the last one of the volca trio :-) Here is my first live session using all three volca machines.
volca bass jam
I got a volca bass today! And a Kaospad mini 2!
here is a first jam session I recorded today
This song started as a chord progression practice session. Recorded using ardour3, my volca keys, mininova and a W7
No sleep
I recorded a new song on monday at one oclock in the morning. This song developed from a live improvisation using my volca keys, my W7 and my mininova
I recorded a new song this weekend bass and melody where recorded using my volca keys, the strings are from my mininova. The track has been recorded using Ardour3
first Volca Keys song
I bought a Volca Keys from Korg yesterday and recorded a short test sequence using ardour. All sounds are unprocessed except for a parametric equalizer to remove a high pitched hiss from the recording (damn you usb cable!). The only thing not from the volca keys is a basedrum sample.
The keys is a really awesome sounding little box.