paper castle

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-06-12T05:33:11+00:00

This is a papercastle that has been cut out in one pice. All the parts including the towers and their roofs are connected. After cutting out the castle all thats needed is a little bit of glue and a LOT of patience :-)

you can download the svg template here

this is my Day 12 Project for 30daysofcreativity

castle finished castle cut

Simulating papercut pictures with processing

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-08-23T20:38:16+00:00

I made a processing sketch hat shows how to simulate the look of a papercut images in processing.

click here to try it or download the source

paper waves

How To Make a 3D-Paper Model from a Heightfield in Processing

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-03-07T15:41:00+00:00

I just wrote a little processing sketch that takes a height field like this


calculates a pdf containing something like this


which can be cut out and sticked together to a 3d model like this

finished model

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