Paprika Aquarell

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-09-11T08:20:25+00:00

I got new aquarell colors, and this is the first image I used them for.


A circular clock in processing

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-09-10T16:19:06+00:00

I made a new clock in processing. This time I use gray circular sections to display the time. The screenshot was taken at 16:29:09

click here to see the clock in action

path clock

Simulating papercut pictures with processing

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-08-23T20:38:16+00:00

I made a processing sketch hat shows how to simulate the look of a papercut images in processing.

click here to try it or download the source

paper waves

Turning a Ikea coffee table into a beyblade arena

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-08-22T06:06:49+00:00

This Weekend I turned a small Ikea coffee table into a BeyBlade-Arena for my kids.

arena in action

First I sanded off the original color of the Ikea parts. The table has been laying around in the cellar for quite some time and there were lots of scratches in the black finish.

read more ...

Flying little bee in Processing

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-08-19T07:21:14+00:00

I made a processing sketch featuring sidescrolling patches of grass (inspired by this pencil drawing of mine) and a little bee Click here to let the bee fly, or look at the sourcecode. maybee I turn this into a game for another tutorial ...

flying bee

Brightness Explorer

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-08-18T07:14:46+00:00

I made a new processing sketch that draws grayscaled Squares. The brightnes of all squares centers around a base brightness. With every mouse-click the base brightnes gets changed to the one of the clicked pixel and the image gets redraw with the new base brightness.

Click here to give it a try or download the code

brightness explorer

pencil drawing of a meadow

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-08-17T06:25:02+00:00

maybe I use this as a background in a game or processing sketch


Framed Pictures made with the Abstract-Art-Generator

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-08-16T06:39:26+00:00

A while ago I made an Abstract Art Generator in processing. Now I printed and framed three of the generated images.

Abstract Art

3D eyes with parametric texture

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-08-15T21:11:23+00:00

I made some 3D mousefollowing eyes in Processing. The texture is generated in the setup method by drawing blue and black stripes and wrapping it around a sphere.

Click here to start the sketch, click on the eyes to give it the focus and then move the mousecursor.

3D eyes


Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-08-14T09:34:12+00:00

Even in this August sun comes after the rain ...
