3D-Printed Brush-Holder

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-04-25T08:21:36+00:00

Bathroom-real-estate is a very limited resource in our flat, so I designed a brush-holder that can be glued to the wall and printed it on my makerbot.

I really like how a 3D-printer helps from getting "would be nice if .." into "cool - lets try it"

you can download the brushholder openscad source or the exported brushholder stl

brush holder


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Inverted Rendering

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-04-11T17:10:00+00:00

I made a short animation in processing that renders some spheres and then inverts the frame.

Click here to run the applet or download the source


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how to make a tentacle using processing and toxiclibs

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-02-23T03:34:29+00:00

the Toxiclibs are a very interesting collection of processing libraries. One of the libraries is called volumeutils and allows to use a volumetric space to model a 3D object.

I used it to generate a tentacle and export it as a stl file to make it printable on my 3D-printer.

click here to see it live or download the source-code

tentacle tentacle 3D printed

In the setup method i define a volumetric space containing 100x100x100 voxel, a iso surface and a Triangle mesh (which is needed to display the object and export it later)

gfx = new ToxiclibsSupport(this);
VolumetricSpace volume = new VolumetricSpaceArray( new Vec3D(100,200,100), 100, 100, 100 );
IsoSurface surface = new ArrayIsoSurface( volume );
mesh = new TriangleMesh();
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Parametric Button Generator

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-02-20T15:22:54+00:00

Have you ever lost a button? One that is unique and cannot be found anywere? Do you want to sew something special and need very special buttons?

And do you own a 3D-Printer?

Then there is a solution to your problems - The Parametric-Button-Generator!

Download the openscad file, adjust the parameters and print your buttons

example button example button example button

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Heart-shaped Valentine Cookie Cutter

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-02-13T09:50:00+00:00

I designed a heart-shaped cookie cutter unsing my cookie cutter editor - right in time for Valentine :-)

click here to download the stl file or download the sourcefile for the cookie cutter editor

heart cookie cutter

heart cookie cutter

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Printable Lighning

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-02-12T09:50:00+00:00

I made a lightning bolt to test the openscad polygon and linear_extrude functions.
To define a polygon you have to define a set of 2D-coordinates and some sets that define the paths. In this example only one path is defined that connects all the points. Then I extruded the polygon to make it 3D and centered it using translate, to make it printable.

translate(v=[0,-45,1]) {
    linear_extrude( height=2, center=true)
    polygon( points = [[-5,0], [15,40], [5, 55], [20, 75], [0, 90], [-15, 55 ], [2, 36]],

you can download the openscad source or the stl file


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Printable Weaving Shuttle

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-02-07T08:21:45+00:00

This is a small weaving shuttle I desinged for my mom. It's printed on my makerbot using black ABS.

Download the openscad source or the stl file if you want to print your own.

weaving shuttle

weaving shuttle

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Surface of Revolution in Processing

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-01-21T05:25:22+00:00

Another simple 3D-Processing-Sketch, this time a surface generated by rotating a square function. I think I will try to print this on my makerbot this weekend.

Click here to see it in action or download the source

square surface

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sphere spiral in processing

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-01-09T18:18:12+00:00

This is a little processing sketch featuring a sphere. By moving the mouse it dissolves into a spiral

click here to try it and download the source


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how to use the libfreenect processing wrapper on ubuntu

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-12-28T05:29:13+00:00

Yesterday I got a Kinect and it worked out of the box with the freenect libs on my linux box and my mac. But the processing-wrappers from daniel shiffman only worked on the mac. Since my linux box has a bit more power than my mac-mini, I started to fiddle around a bit with the source code and - TATAAAA - it run's on my ubuntu box.

To make it run check out the git-repository for libkinect by using 'git clone'

git clone git://github.com/shiffman/libfreenect.git

Then build the library using cmake like it's described in the readme

then change to the wrapper/java directory. There you find a small shellscript that compiles the jni- and processing-wrappers. I had to add some include-paths to make the c-compiler find my jni.h and I changed the target system to 32-Bit (by removing the -m64 flag).

On my ubuntu box using the sun jdk the jni.h include-path is this.

-I/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-

Then make sure the LIBFREENET_LIBRARY path points to the libfreenect.a file you compiled earlier. If you use a build directory like It's recommendet in the Readme file than don't forget to add it to the path (this took me some time :-/ )

after running the build script install the 'openkinect.zip' from the processing/distribution folder to your sketchbook/library folder and add the libOpenKinect.so file from the dist directory to sketchbook/libraries/openkinect/library

and than make a symlink from 'libOpenKinect.so' to 'libKinect.so'

ln -s libOpenKinect.so libKinect.so

freenect processing wrapper

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