Day 8 of 30DaysOfCreativity - Radio PI part 2

Nikolaus Gradwohl2013-06-09T15:45:36+00:00

Today I´ve set up the airplay part of the raspberry pi car radio for my friends typ 3 wilson I have used this tutorial. I also planned to configure the accesspoint part but unfortunately my rtl8187 based wlan usb stick doesn´t support the master mode, so I will have to get a new wlan card tomorrow.

This is my Day 9 project for 30daysofcreativity

Click here to read part 1 of this project

wilson airplay

Day 8 of 30DaysOfCreativity - Radio PI part 1

Nikolaus Gradwohl2013-06-08T11:47:26+00:00

A friend of mine needed a radio for his typ3 wilson. Unfortunately the Blaupunkt car radio only receives LF and MF radio stations. So we decided to fit a raspberry pi and a amplifier into the housing of the radio and use the switches and turning knobs to interact with the raspberry.

The plan is to create a WLAN access point using the PI which also acts as an airplay access point to stream music from an iphone to the cars speakers

So far I have stripped the electronic parts from the radio and started gathering the materials needed for the access point

This is my Day 8 project for 30daysofcreativity

running openframeworks on a RaspberryPI

Nikolaus Gradwohl2013-05-30T08:09:54+00:00

I have realized that I haven´t done anything with openframeworks for ages. Which is kind of sad because I really like the framework. So I took my PI and installed openframeworks using this instruction from the openframeWorks-RaspberryPI fork on github

Compiling openFrameworks on a PI took a while but after it finished I was able to compile and run my boid sketch without modifications.

very nice!

Here is a photo of my pi running the swarm demo boids on PI