Adrduino Counter with lcd Display

Nikolaus Gradwohl2009-07-07T16:03:00+00:00

I made a small device that has 3 independent counters which are shown on a lcd-display. The device uses an arduino and has 3 buttons on the front that are debounced in software and used to increment a variable. The variables are printed on a 1x16 char lcd-display.

the red switch on the side is a power-switch.


i really like the "frankenstein"-look of the eclosure :-)

i also made some sort of a "schematic". scroll down to see the arduino sketch i'm using


arduino sketch:

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

LiquidCrystal lcd(6, 7, 8, 2, 3, 4, 5);

const int pinA = 9;
const int pinB = 10;
const int pinC = 11;

int lastA = LOW;
int lastB = LOW;
int lastC = LOW;

int stateA;
int stateB;
int stateC;

const long DELAY = 100;

long lastATime = 0;
long lastBTime = 0;
long lastCTime = 0;

void setup() {
  // Print a message to the LCD.
  lcd.print("hello, w");
  lcd.setCursor( 0, 1);


  pinMode( pinA, INPUT );
  pinMode( pinB, INPUT );
  pinMode( pinC, INPUT );
  pinMode( 13, OUTPUT );

  printNumbers(0, 0, 0);

int a, b, c = 0;
boolean changed = false;

void loop() {
  changed = false;

  int readA = trippleRead( pinA );
  int readB = trippleRead( pinB );
  int readC = trippleRead( pinC );

  if ( readA == HIGH || readB == HIGH || readC == HIGH ) {
    digitalWrite( 13, HIGH );
  } else {
    digitalWrite( 13, LOW );

  if ( readA != lastA && readA == HIGH ) {
    changed = true;

  if ( readB != lastB && readB == HIGH ) {
    changed = true;

  if ( readC != lastC && readC == HIGH ) {
    changed = true;

  if (changed) printNumbers( a, b, c );

  lastA = readA;
  lastB = readB;
  lastC = readC;


void printNumbers( int a, int b, int c ) {
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

int trippleRead( int pin ) {

  int r1 = digitalRead( pin );
  int r2 = digitalRead( pin );
  int r3 = digitalRead( pin );

  return ( r1 == HIGH && r2 == HIGH && r3 == HIGH ? HIGH : LOW );  

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See also:

Arduino based Midi Trigger box for analog synths
from now on you shalt be called miditron
Midified Monotron first track
RadioPI - debugging



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  1. sas 2015-08-20T13:19:09+00:00

    man, that tripple read is a neat way to debounce a switch!

    if you dont mind, i think i'll be using your code for my projects!

  2. Lama 2015-12-07T17:17:41+00:00

    Hi Please I need your help I am working with car parking system project using Arduino. In my project I use seven segment to display the number of parking free or number of cars. I want to add the LCD to display the number of free parking after each car. I have the complete code but i want to add the LCD code.

  3. Ankit Garg 2016-07-24T14:31:07+00:00

    Hey, can I do the same using 2x16 LCD Module ?

  4. dery 2017-11-04T18:04:34+00:00

    //for lcd 16x2 i2c



    LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x3F, 2, 1, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, POSITIVE);

    const int pinA = 10; const int pinB = 11; const int pinC = 12; const int pinD = 9;

    int lastA = LOW; int lastB = LOW; int lastC = LOW; int lastD = LOW;

    void setup() { // Print a message to the LCD. lcd.begin(16, 2); lcd.setCursor(2, 0); lcd.print("HELLO"); lcd.setCursor( 8, 0); lcd.print("WORLD");

    delay(1000); lcd.clear();

    pinMode( pinA, INPUT ); pinMode( pinB, INPUT ); pinMode( pinC, INPUT ); pinMode( pinD, INPUT ); pinMode( 13, OUTPUT );

    printNumbers(0, 0, 0, 0); }

    int a, b, c, d = 0; boolean changed = false;

    void loop() { changed = false;

    int readA = trippleRead( pinA ); int readB = trippleRead( pinB ); int readC = trippleRead( pinC ); int readD = trippleRead( pinD );

    if ( readA == HIGH || readB == HIGH || readC == HIGH || readD == HIGH) { digitalWrite( 13, LOW ); } else { digitalWrite( 13, HIGH ); }

    if ( readA != lastA && readA == HIGH ) { a++; changed = true; }

    if ( readB != lastB && readB == HIGH ) { b++; changed = true; }

    if ( readC != lastC && readC == HIGH ) { c++; changed = true; } if (readD != lastD && readD == HIGH ) { d++; changed = true; }

    if (changed) printNumbers( a, b, c , d);

    lastA = readA; lastB = readB; lastC = readC; lastD = readD;


    void printNumbers( int a, int b, int c , int d) { lcd.setCursor(1, 0); lcd.print(a); lcd.setCursor(5, 0); lcd.print(b); lcd.setCursor(9, 0); lcd.print(c); lcd.setCursor(13, 0 ); lcd.print(d); }

    int trippleRead( int pin ) {

    int r1 = digitalRead( pin ); delay(10); int r2 = digitalRead( pin ); delay(10); int r3 = digitalRead( pin ); delay(10); int r4 = digitalRead( pin ); delay(10);

    return ( r1 == HIGH && r2 == HIGH && r3 == HIGH && r4 == HIGH ? HIGH : LOW );


  5. D6equj5 2018-02-16T22:21:53+00:00

    I am rrying to make this but with a small ssd1306 i2c display. Sadly only getting a screen of stars just now but I'm working on it.

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